Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Willows police officers used Taser-force Saturday to subdue a Maxwell man for allegedly resisting arrest and assaulting police.Luis Edgar Flores, 20, was booked into Glenn Count Jail on suspicion of resisting arrest with violence, assault on a peace officer, and assault with great bodily injury.

Luis was in for a new form of tazure a dry-taze. Anything with "dry" in front of it is not always that great:

Dry-cell battery

Anyways a dry-taze also known as drive-stun is when the tazer is held against a suspect's body without firing the projectiles.

Electricity is pumped into the target; usually on their torso this causes significant pain to the victim.

This "pain-compliance technique" is the new hotness way for the enforcement to get their taze on.

Beware and don't get dry-tazed.

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