Thursday, August 7, 2008

Man arrested after brief chase

From not stopping at a stop sign to almost being tizzz-azed, hot damn! New Carlisle, IN resident Mr. Brian Weaver (21) was charged with fleeing and eluding, resisting arrest, (resisting taze?) and a stop sign violation.

Sheriff’s report:

A sheriff's report gives the following account:
A deputy saw a Jeep run a stop sign at North Scott Street and West Lake Avenue in New Carlisle about 9:12 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 6.
The deputy tried to stop the car, which fled southbound on South Church Street and through several streets, running stop signs, before stopping in the 300 block of South Church Street.
Weaver fled the Jeep, running between houses, with the deputy following, also on foot.
The deputy tried to use his Taser on Weaver, but it did not strike him and he got away.

He resisted TAZE, why is this not an Olympic sport or at least an X-Games event? We will soon post instructions on how to "resist taze." Anyways, unlawful, malevolent, illegal alien Weaver’s identity was found by the police because his car registration was in his vehicle (OMG). What kind of young thug registers their vehicle let alone keeps the registration information in their car! Police phoned Mr. Weaver and he obliged to return to the scene of the crime and turn himself in avoiding yet another possible tazure.

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